Research materials related to Edward Gordon Craig’s ‘screens’ concept
- Buckley, Jennifer. Print, Performance, and the European Avant gardes, 1905-1948. New York: Columbia University, 2011. Web. 24 Feb. 2013.
- Baugh, Christopher, Gavin Carver and Cat Fergusson. “Patent No 1771: Gordon Craig and ‘Improvements in Stage Scenery’, 1910.” Scenography International 1.1 (1999): n.pag. Web. 10 Nov. 2013.
- Craig, Edward. On the Art of the Theatre. 5th ed. London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1957. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.
- Craig, Edward and The School for Art and Theatre. A Living Theatre: The Gordon Craig School, the Arena Goldoni, the Mask; Setting Forth the Aims and Objects of the Movement and Showing by Many Illustrations, the City of Florence [and] the Arena. Florence: The School for Art and Theatre, 1913. Web. 26 Feb. 2014.
- Fisher, James. ‘“An Idealist”: The Legacy of Edward Gordon Craig’s Formative Productions, 1900-1903.’ The Arts Journal: Studies in Scenography and Performance 1.1 (2009): 1-23. Web. 19 Feb. 2014.
Research materials related to W.B. Yeats and The Hour-Glass
- Blau, Herbert. Language and Structure in Poetic Drama. Modern Language Quarterly 18.1 (1957): 27–34. Print.
- Dorn, Karen. ‘Dialogue Into Movement: W.B. Yeats’s Theatre Collaboration with Gordon Craig’. Yeats and the Theatre. Ed. O’Driscoll, Robert and Lorna Reynolds. London: Macmillan, 1975. 109–137. Print.
- Flannery, James. ‘Staging the Phantasmagorical: The Theatrical Challenges and Rewards of W.B. Yeats’. Irish University Review 26.1 (1996): 92–106. Print.
- —. ‘W.B Yeats, Gordon Craig and the Visual Arts of the Theatre’. Yeats and the Theatre. Ed. O’Driscoll, Robert and Lorna Reynolds. London: Macmillan, 1975. 82–108. Print.
- —. W. B. Yeats and the Idea of a Theatre: The Early Abbey Theatre in Theory and Practice. London: Yale University Press, 1976. Print.
- Seskine, Masaru. ‘Noh and Yeats: A Theoretical Analysis’. Ariel 26.4 (1995): n. pag. Print.
- Seskine, Mararu and Christopher Murray. Yeats and the Noh: a Comparative Study. Savage: Barnes and Noble, 1990. Print.
- Kato, Eileen. ‘W.B. Yeats and the Noh’. The Irish Review (1986-) 42 (2010): 104–119. Print.
- Taylor, Richard. The Drama of W.B. Yeats: Irish Myth and the Japanese Nó. London: Yale University Press, 1977. Print.
- Yeats, William, and Ulick O’Connor. The Yeats Companion: With a Biographical Portrait. London: Pavilion Books, 1990. Print.
Research materials related to other relevant plays
- Alspach, Russell. Ed. The Variorum Edition of the Plays of W.B. Yeats. New York: n.p. 1957, Print.
- Cave, Richard. Ed. W.B. Yeats: Selected Plays. London: Penguin Group, 1997. Print.
- Miller, Liam. The Noble Theatre of W.B. Yeats. Dublin: The Dolmen Press, 1977. Print.
- Yeats, William. Deirdre by W.B. Yeats: Being Volume Five of Plays for an Irish Theatre. Dublin: Maunsel and Company Limited, 1907. Web. 06 Apr. 2014.
- —. Plays for an Irish Theatre: With Designs by Gordon Craig. 2nd ed. London: A.H. Bullen, 1913. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.
Research materials related to general stage lighting
- Denard, Hugh. ‘Meeting Zia Holly.’ Abbey Theatre, 1904: Digitally Reconstructing Dublin’s Original Abbey Theatre. Trinity College Dublin Long Room Hub and NOHO, 18 Jan. 2011. Web. 13 March 2014.
Computer software used and cited in the project
- Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe Photoshop. Ver. CS5 Extended v12.0 x 32. Computer software, 2010. PC. Disc.
- Sketchfab. Sketchfab. Computer software, 2014. PC. Web. 06 Apr. 2014.
- Solid Iris Technologies. Kerkythea rendering engine. Ver. 2.0.19. Computer software. Solid Iris Technologies, n.d. PC, 3.0MB, Web. 04 Apr. 2014.
- Solid Iris Technologies. Kerkythea SketchUp Plugin. Ver. 3.17. Computer software. Solid Iris Technologies, n.d. PC, 52.7KB, Web. 04 Apr. 2014.
- Trimble Navigation Limited. SketchUp Make. Ver. 2014. Computer software. Trimble Navigation Limited, 2014. PC, Web. 04 Apr. 2014.
Research materials related to project management
- Denard, Hugh. The London Charter: For the Computer-based Visualisation of Cultural Heritage. N.p.: n.p., 2009. Web. 11 Oct 2013.
Other cited resources
- Denard, Hugh. Abbey Theatre, 1904: Digitally Reconstructing Dublin’s Original Abbey Theatre. Trinity College Dublin Long Room Hub and NOHO, 2011. Web. 13 March 2014.
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